Frequently Asked Questions

1- What are the channels for shareholder assistance?
To clarify doubts and obtain information, shareholders should contact the following numbers: 4004-1044 (Capitals and Metropolitan Regions) and 0800 70 70 398 (Other locations) or by email at
Customer service hours on business days are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
2- How can I update my registration data?
If there are any changes, the shareholder or their proxy should contact Banco Mercantil's Customer Service Channels.

The following documents must be presented: For Individuals: certified copy of the identity document, CPF (Brazilian Tax Identification Number), and proof of residence. For Legal Entities: simple copy of CNPJ (Brazilian National Register of Legal Entities) and a certified copy of the consolidated and updated contract or bylaws, and minutes of the Board meeting that elected the current Executive Board. Legal representatives must provide a certified copy of their identity document and CPF.

If the request is made by a proxy, in addition to the aforementioned documents, it is necessary to present a valid power of attorney (issued through a public instrument and specifically for this purpose) and the original identification document or a duly certified copy of the proxy.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the shareholder to keep their registration up to date.
3- How can I check my shareholding position?
If you have shares held by Mercantil do Brasil Corretora: access Mercantil do Brasil Internet Banking, log in, go to the "Investments" tab, click on MB Corretora - Home Broker, and check your shareholding position.

If you have shares held by another brokerage firm: contact your brokerage firm.

If you have shares held by the bookkeeping agent: contact Banco Mercantil's Customer Service Channels.
4- What is a share? What is the difference between common (ON) and preferred (PN) shares?
A share is the smallest unit of a company's or corporation's equity. It is, therefore, an equity security and, as such, grants its holders, the shareholders, all the rights and responsibilities of a partner, within the limits of the shares held.

There are two types of shares available in the Brazilian market: common shares (ON) and preferred shares (PN). Preferred shares (PN) guarantee priority in dividend payments, with the company required to pay a minimum mandatory amount of dividends to those who hold them. Common shares (ON) grant their holders the right to vote at shareholder meetings.
5- What are the share tickers for companies in the Mercantil Conglomerate, where are they traded, and how can I obtain share prices?
The shares of the companies that make up the Mercantil do Brasil Conglomerate are traded on B3 S.A. Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão – São Paulo and have the following tickers:

Company: Banco Mercantil S.A.: Type: Common (ON) - Ticker: BMEB3 / Type: Preferred (PN) - Ticker: BMEB4

Company: Banco Mercantil de Investimentos S.A.: Type: Common (ON) - Ticker: BMIN3 / Type: Preferred (PN) - Ticker: BMIN4

Company: Mercantil do Brasil Financeira S.A.: - Type: Common (ON) - Ticker: MERC3 / Type: Preferred (PN) - Ticker: MERC4

Share prices can be obtained on the website of B3 S.A. Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão by entering the tickers above.

6- How can I acquire shares of companies in the Mercantil Conglomerate?
Through a brokerage firm, such as Mercantil do Brasil Corretora. Visit the website:
7- What is the difference between shares held at a brokerage firm and shares held in the book-entry system?
Shares held with a brokerage firm are immediately available for trading on the stock exchange.

In the case of shares held in the bookkeeping agent, they can be transferred to a brokerage firm to be traded on the stock exchange, or you can seek someone interested in buying/selling the shares so that the transaction can be conducted through the bookkeeping agent.

To learn more about these procedures, please see the questions below.
8- How can I buy/sell shares within the book-entry system?
Shares held in the book-entry system can be traded provided that the shareholder identifies a party interested in the transaction. To complete the purchase/sale, both parties must go to the Shareholder Relations department of Banco Mercantil with their original identification documents to sign the Share Transfer Agreement found in the respective Book.

If it is not possible to go in person, a power of attorney must be issued, accompanied by certified copies of the identification documents mentioned in the item about registration updating. Additionally, the power of attorney must be notarized. To obtain a power of attorney template or schedule a visit for the transaction to be completed, please contact Banco Mercantil's Customer Service Channels.
9- How do I transfer shares from the book-entry system to a brokerage firm?
To carry out the transfer, it is necessary to be registered with a brokerage firm. If you already have a relationship with one, please contact them to verify the necessary documents and procedures for the transfer. Otherwise, for your convenience, visit the Mercantil do Brasil Corretora website ( to obtain this information.
10- What are the procedures for transferring shares in the event of a shareholder's death?
The estate administrator or proxy should contact Banco Mercantil through its Customer Service Channels to submit the required documents as listed below.

The requester must, without exception, present the following original documents or duly certified copies:

• Final judgment of distribution or Court document authorizing the transfer;

• Heirs’ photo ID within the valid period;

• Proof of residence of the heirs dated no more than 90 days with postal code (CEP);

• Banking details of the heirs through a document proving that the provided details correspond to their own bank account.

The procedure for clarifying doubts regarding the quantity of estate shares for inventory purposes can be found in the question below.
11- What is the procedure for obtaining the shareholding position in the event of a shareholder's death?
The estate administrator or proxy should contact Banco Mercantil through its Customer Service Channels to submit the required documents as listed below.

The requester must present the following original documents or duly certified copies:

• Death certificate;

• Court document – Permit, Final judgment of distribution, Public deed, Letter of adjudication, or Inventory Administrator Certificate (according to the procedure);

• Photo ID within the valid period, for the estate administrator/representative.

12- How do I receive dividends and/or interest on equity distributed by Grupo Mercantil companies in which I hold shares?
For shareholders with accounts at Banco Mercantil, the credit will be deposited into the registered checking account.

Other shareholders will receive an explanatory letter at their registered address, and they should visit the specified branch, bringing identification, to receive the benefit via a "Payment Voucher."

For shareholders with shares held by B3 S.A. Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão, please note that the payment will be made by the respective custodian agents.

If there is no Banco Mercantil branch in your region, you must update your registration as indicated in the corresponding item, along with a document proving that the provided bank details correspond to your own checking account.
13- What should I do if I have not received payment for dividends/interest on equity due?
If the shares are held by the Bookkeeping Agent, the shareholder should contact Banco Mercantil's Customer Service Channels for guidance.

Shareholders whose custody is managed by B3 S.A. Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão should contact the brokerage firm that facilitated the investments.

It is important to keep your registration information up to date to ensure you do not miss any payments. Unclaimed dividends and/or interest on equity become void after three years from the date they were made available.
14- How do I access the Income Statement related to my Grupo Mercantil shares?
Annually, in February, the Income Statements are sent to the registered addresses of the shareholders. If shareholders have not received it, they should contact Banco Mercantil through its Customer Service Channels to update their registration information and request a copy of the Income Statement.
15- How and where do companies within the Mercantil conglomerate disclose their information?
All material facts, earnings announcements, and other notices to the market from the companies are simultaneously disclosed on the websites of CVM/B3 and Banco Mercantil ( in the Investor Relations section.

Quarterly financial statements, material facts, presentations, and notices to shareholders are also available on our website. The complete financial statements are annually published in standard newspapers.

Additional information about the companies can also be obtained on the websites of B3 ( and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (